An Evolution in Medicine - Functional Medicine to Functional Nutrition

Chronic illness is on the rise—depression/anxiety, obesity, diabetes—the list is long! As the fast pace of the world spins faster, so do the demands on our daily lives. It seems that there is never enough time in a day, and the impact is dramatically affecting our health and well-being. We constantly look for the “quick fixes” to ease our symptoms, like Tylenol in the case of a headache or alcohol to calm our nerves. The truth is, there are no quick fixes and we would benefit greatly from tuning into our body’s wisdom. We can do this using the Functional Medicine Model, which explores the root cause of our symptoms in order to promote real healing.

What is Functional Medicine?

Conventional Medicine has provided us with so many options for healing. In an age of specialization, we are privileged to have the expertise of doctors of cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, to name a few. However, if used in conjunction with the practice of Functional Medicine, we are presented with many alternative options. Functional Medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. It sees the body as whole, dynamic, integrated system that offers us additional opportunities to take charge of our health. Functional medicine discovers the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach that looks deeply into the individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. It engages both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership and may include other key health-care practitioners, working as a team, to ensure all our systems are functioning together in harmony, creating balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Team players may include: Naturopathic doctors, Spiritual Leaders, Meditation Teachers, Psychotherapy, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Physical Fitness Trainers, Massage Therapists, etc.

What is Functional Nutrition?

Function Nutrition is an emerging new specialty within the field of nutrition. Like Functional Medicine it values a therapeutic relationship, works with systems and frameworks and aims to address the root cause of your symptoms. Functional Nutrition does not diagnose, prescribe or treat, but it seeks to understand the individual as a whole.

The Role of the Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner is to:

  • Determine the possibilities from which the signs, symptoms or diagnosis stem.
  • Educate the client on why their health challenges began, and how to take back control of their health.
  • Help fill in the gap that exists between the patient and the physician around communication and education, in order to become your own best advocate.
  • Support and educate clients on what is going on in their body, and make uniquely personalized diet and lifestyle modifications, that will create a shift in their environment and help to reach their goals. 

At LivWise our core philosophy centers around a functional, personalized approach to nutrition, health and healing. It emphasizes a therapeutic relationship, and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.

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